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Thor Berg & Daniela Berg
Thor Berg & Daniela Berg

Pressmeddelande -

Eirly - the divine solution of clinical trial recruitment

80% of clinical trial studies fail to meet critical enrollment timelines. This failure to run clinical trials on time, or recruit study participants efficiently, has major consequences for multiple stakeholders. This is where Eirly comes in, they have built a platform which will help researchers recruit, engage with, and retain study participants!

For a sponsor, delays could cost millions of Euros a day in potential lost future revenue, while for individuals it could mean delays in accessing life saving medicine. These delays have broader impacts also, not just in terms of financial and physical well-being, but the mental and emotional wellbeing of our individuals, communities and society. Therefore it is critical that clinical trials are a success, and their success hinges on the efficient and effective recruitment of the right participants and volunteers.

Eirly is one of 20 ideas who made it on to Venture Cup's yearly Top20 list of best business ideas in Sweden. 
"The award is giving us a boost of confidence and motivation to continue on this journey of building Eirly. We are so excited to have made it this far and are even more excited to see what comes next."
- Thor berg, founder. 

When COVID-19 threw the world into chaos, vaccine development and clinical trials became something that even the ‘most-uninterested-in-medical-research’ individuals started (and still are) talking about.
Clinical trials are critical to vaccine development, along with many other important medical interventions. Global demand for clinical trials has seen a significant increase in the last two decades, as seen by the 390,000 clinical trials registered in 2021, in comparison to the 2,119 registered in 2000.
These two mega-trends have turned clinical trials and medical development into a hot topic.

helps researchers recruit, engage with, and retain study participants through the following solutions:
- an online platform with a community database of ready-to-go, informed and driven participants
- patient pre-screening and support services before, during and after a study
- building of scalable and automated communication management tools.

What are your future plans?
We see ourselves building out our MVP in the next couple months. In a few years we hope to have connected tens of thousands of participants to clinical studies and helped create a better and healthier world. This will include building out our different services and products. Our key next steps are to start building our platform together with industry stakeholders and patient groups to fully understand even more what it is they need."

Prize: Top20 - IDEA 2021 region south
Idea: Eirly
Team: Thor Berg & Daniela Berg



Venture Cup är tävlingen för morgondagens entreprenörer som kopplar ihop experter från näringslivet med framtidens entreprenörer och erbjuder en process för alla som bär på en idé. Venture Cup erbjuder inspiration, utbildning, handledning samt möjligheten till att skapa sig ett gediget nätverk. Venture Cup grundades 1998 på initiativ av McKinsey & Company i samarbete med Chalmers Universitet, Göteborgs Universitet och Innovationsbron. Venture Cup stöds av Sveriges alla stora universitet och drivs i partnerskap med den privata och offentliga sektorn. Sedan starten 1998 har mer än 15 000 affärsidéer tävlat och cirka 30 procent av idéerna har blivit affärer. Läs mer på www.venturecup.se


Joakim Johannesson

Joakim Johannesson

Presskontakt Presschef Nationellt 073 143 25 01
Mehkar Sheikh

Mehkar Sheikh

Presskontakt VD/CEO Nationellt

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