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Invivopower's lastest succes in the U.S!

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Invivopower's lastest succes in the U.S!

Yesterday it was announced that Invivopower was selected as the “2021 Catalyst Awardee for the NAM Healthy Longevity Global Competition” in the U.S. and brings home $50,000 USD! The competition is held by the U.S. National Academy of Medicine, a global movement to extend human healthspan by accelerating research, innovation, and entrepreneurism in healthy longevity.

Earlier in 2021 Invivopower was the winner in Venture Cup's competition 'Innovation power(Innovationskraft)' in Gothenburg and was one of the finalists in the competition STARTUP, if this doesn't mean that they are doing great - then we don't know what. Next year Invivopower will be able to access phase two of the competition in the U.S and that time around they can win $500,000 USD.

Background to Invivopower´s technology:
Patients die waiting in line for a heart transplant. Donor's hearts are limited and there are only 6000 heart transplants made every year in the world today. The need is 50 times higher and growing.
Artificial hearts or mechanically circulatory supports are becoming the solution to this problem, but the treatment has an Achilles heel: the driveline/a power cable percutaneously (percutaneously=penetrating through the skin) powering the artificial heart. This driveline is severely prone to infections.
Invivopower has solved this infection problem that has haunted and challenged the industry for more than 25 years. Invivopower has developed a transcutaneous energy implant link that transfers energy, up to 40 Watts, wirelessly through the skin. The technology opens a new era for high power, class three, active medical implants. First in line for this solution are artificial hearts and ventricular assist devices but the list of active implants to follow can be made long like retina implants, high power prothesis, internal pumps, etc. The team has vast experience in developing, producing, and selling energy links for active medical implants. The energy link is based on earlier clinical experience, scientific data regarding skin heating to avoid necrosis, and scientific bench models performing as in real humans.

Bengt Bern is CEO and founder of Invivopower AB and his comment after winning:
We are very honored and pleased to win this award in tough competition. Winning this award is a real team effort but the true winners are the heart failure patients when this technology enters the market in the future.

A big congratulations to Invivopower, we look forward to see and hearing more of you!

Bengt Bern
, M. Sc. Physics, CEO and Founder of Invivopower AB
Göran Dellgren, MD PhD, Associate professor Section manager Thorax transplant, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Kristján Jónsson, MD, Thoracic surgeon, Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Giovanni Maltese, MD PhD, Plastic Surgeon Sahlgrenska University Hospital
Per Klockar, M.Sc. Information technology
Stefan Winström
, M. Sc. Chemistry

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    Venture Cup är tävlingen för morgondagens entreprenörer som kopplar ihop experter från näringslivet med framtidens entreprenörer och erbjuder en process för alla som bär på en idé. Venture Cup erbjuder inspiration, utbildning, handledning samt möjligheten till att skapa sig ett gediget nätverk. Venture Cup grundades 1998 på initiativ av McKinsey & Company i samarbete med Chalmers Universitet, Göteborgs Universitet och Innovationsbron. Venture Cup stöds av Sveriges alla stora universitet och drivs i partnerskap med den privata och offentliga sektorn. Sedan starten 1998 har mer än 15 000 affärsidéer tävlat och cirka 30 procent av idéerna har blivit affärer. Läs mer på www.venturecup.se


    Joakim Johannesson

    Joakim Johannesson

    Presskontakt Presschef Nationellt 073 143 25 01
    Mehkar Sheikh

    Mehkar Sheikh

    Presskontakt VD/CEO Nationellt

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