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Marzyeh Advand & Neal Greenspan - PeckiiLess
Marzyeh Advand & Neal Greenspan - PeckiiLess

Pressmeddelande -

They will make accurate, convenient, pain free blood glucose measuring available to everyone

Close to 500 million people around the world have diabetes and this number grows daily. Estimates are that around 40% of people who need to check their glucose levels to live a healthy life, don’t have access to the technology. PeckiiLess can not only provide the technology to people all over the world, but, they will remove billions of one time test strips and needles that get thrown away daily from those using the finger stick method. Using human exhalation to measure glucose is not a new idea but, the accuracy needed has not been successfully reached. Until PeckiiLess.

PeckiiLess will allow people, especially diabetics, to accurately detect their blood glucose levels through a non-invasive, convenient, less wasteful process. Using human exhalation, PeckiiLess will eliminate the fear, pain, waste and other limitations of 'the finger stick'.

PeckiLess is one of 20 ideas who made it on to Venture Cup's yearly Top20 list of best business ideas in Sweden 2021. 
"A win in Venture Cup will go a long way in giving credibility to our idea. We need partnerships to make this happen and being able to say that we won this competition will help us to build those partnerships more easily." - Marzyeh Advand, founder.

How did you come up with the idea?
"Marzyeh, our founder, discovered this method while obtaining her Masters degree at the university of Tehran. While talking to a friend about her research, this friend told her that her fingers hurt so much because of needing the prick then 8-10 times per day to monitor her glucose levels, that simple things like typing became painful."

Regarding the business model, PeckiLess is planning to bring the sensor to device manufacturers, who have the expertise to bring such a product to market. They can license the technology or sell the sensor directly to them, depending on which method works best.

With this we at Venture Cup want to congratulate PeckiLess on the award, we are looking forward to follow your journey!

Prize: Top20 - IDEA 2021 region west
Idea: PeckiiLess
Team: Marzyeh Advand & Neal Greenspan



Venture Cup är tävlingen för morgondagens entreprenörer som kopplar ihop experter från näringslivet med framtidens entreprenörer och erbjuder en process för alla som bär på en idé. Venture Cup erbjuder inspiration, utbildning, handledning samt möjligheten till att skapa sig ett gediget nätverk. Venture Cup grundades 1998 på initiativ av McKinsey & Company i samarbete med Chalmers Universitet, Göteborgs Universitet och Innovationsbron. Venture Cup stöds av Sveriges alla stora universitet och drivs i partnerskap med den privata och offentliga sektorn. Sedan starten 1998 har mer än 15 000 affärsidéer tävlat och cirka 30 procent av idéerna har blivit affärer. Läs mer på www.venturecup.se


Joakim Johannesson

Joakim Johannesson

Presskontakt Presschef Nationellt 073 143 25 01
Mehkar Sheikh

Mehkar Sheikh

Presskontakt VD/CEO Nationellt

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