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The Team behind Flexpenser who won "Best Traction" in Venture Cup's reginal final 2022 in the east region
The Team behind Flexpenser who won "Best Traction" in Venture Cup's reginal final 2022 in the east region

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Flexpenser: The winner of "Best Traction" in the east region 2022

Most liquid packaging cause waste and most products contain preservatives. After opened, they do not protect liquid integrity e.g., milk becomes rancid, and the glue dries out. Flexpenser technology at a fraction of the cost protects the content after opening a package. So, it dramatically reduces preservatives and the waste flow of liquids/semi-liquids. At Venture Cup's regional final in the east region, Flexpenser won "Best Traction" and 50 000 SEK.

Most liquid packaging causes waste, and most liquids contain preservatives. These are because most packaging doesn’t protect liquid once we open them. As a result, their contents lose their integrity and consistency, i.e., become rancid, lose color, flavor, etc., or dry out. Flexpenser owns the intellectual property rights of a breakthrough in packaging and dispensing liquids and semi-liquid products for many industries at nearly no additional cost.It provides novel and competitive features for consuming liquids and semi-liquid products. 

Thus, their patent- pending technology provides sustainable consumption of liquids and semi-liquids. It remarkably reduces liquids/semi-liquids waste in many industries and households.It allows for energy savings in production, transport, and waste management, due to significantly reducing the overproduction of liquid products that go to waste today.

    - "Although there are substitutes and competitors our technology is the only low-cost solution that can be applied to various packaging types and different liquids/semi-liquids." Says Amin Kazmezadeh, Guilia Gaudenzi and Robert Bouwens, the team behind Flexpenser. 

    For many years Marc Madou, head of Engineering School at the University of California, Irvine has been asking the following question to his doctoral students. “How can we store and release liquids in small chips whenever needed?” Like others, Kewmars (Amin Kazemzadeh) finished his studentship not being able to solve the problem. During a break period before joining KTH as a post-doctoral researcher, he nursed his father suffering fromParkinson's disease. During this time, he was reminded of Marc’s question, and one day he had the solution as a vision.

    - "Our short-term plan for the next two years is to have six customers and partner with leading producers of consumer goods companies.Our long-term plan is to become globally acknowledged as the main provider of the sustainable solutions for packaging liquids to reduce waste and preservatives." Says Amin Kazmezadeh, Guilia Gaudenzi and Robert Bouwens, the team behind Flexpenser.

    At Venture Cup's regional final in the east region, Flexpenser won "Best Traction" and 50 000 SEK, which means that they directly qualifies to the National Final in October. 

    Pris: Best Traction Venture Cup east

    Idé: Flexpenser

    Team: Amin Kazmezadeh, Guilia Gaudenzi and Robert Bouwens




    Venture Cup är tävlingen för morgondagens entreprenörer som kopplar ihop experter från näringslivet med framtidens entreprenörer och erbjuder en process för alla som bär på en idé. Venture Cup erbjuder inspiration, utbildning, handledning samt möjligheten till att skapa sig ett gediget nätverk. Venture Cup grundades 1998 på initiativ av McKinsey & Company i samarbete med Chalmers Universitet, Göteborgs Universitet och Innovationsbron. Venture Cup stöds av Sveriges alla stora universitet och drivs i partnerskap med den privata och offentliga sektorn. Sedan starten 1998 har mer än 17 000 affärsidéer tävlat och cirka 30 procent av idéerna har blivit affärer. Läs mer på www.venturecup.se


    Joakim Johannesson

    Joakim Johannesson

    Presskontakt Presschef Nationellt 073 143 25 01
    Mehkar Sheikh

    Mehkar Sheikh

    Presskontakt VD/CEO Nationellt

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